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Faq 's

Frequently asked questions

Can I try DataSafe-Sign before I purchase a plan?

Individuals are a pay-as-you-go with a step by step guide on our website to ensure customer satisfaction.

How do I buy a plan for over 50 users?

Business plans enable access to our Teams/Staff area for fast addition of new users and team management.

Does everyone signing the document need a DataSafe-Sign account?

No, DataSafe-sign works directly with our subscribed clients. Any document can be sent anywhere at any time, to multiple recipients, secured by our Blockchain integrated systems. DataSafe-sign is user friendly and recipients will receive the document to sign via their normal email address and will be prompted where to sign and send back.

Will my monthly/annual subscription be renewed automatically?

Yes if it is connected to a credit card or debit facility. One time individuals pay-as-you-go.

How do I cancel or downgrade my subscription?

Business clients can simply unsubscribe. All documents held in their database will be compressed and automatically forwarded to you. Enterprise businesses clients deal directly with their representative.